Nifti Leasing
I was happy to design both the personal and professional leasing sites for Nifti leasing. Both had separate challenges with the personal leasing having an extensive funnel while the professional site had a more straight forward contact capture. Using user feedback including analytics, video session and questionnaires we continually increased the performance of the sales funnel.
User Experience Design
UI Design
Funnel Optimisation
3D Illustration
The Nifti personal website aimed to showcase how leasing a brand new car could be affordable, sidestepping the typical expenses associated with ownership.
This startup leasing company prioritised agility and rapid iteration. We leveraged thorough user statistics and focused Hotjar analysis to refine the purchase funnel and enhance individual elements based on received feedback.
Thanks to our assistance, Nifti has experienced ongoing growth, especially establishing its business leasing division as one of the top performers nationwide.